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How to Set Up Windows 95/98/Macintosh
for Azteca Net Dialup Account

Windows 95/98 Setup Instructions | Windows NT Setup Instructions | Macintosh Setup Instructions

Windows 95/98

Use these Dial-Up Networking and Network Control panel (Dial-up adapter) settings to set up your connection.



Note: Do not change any of the other settings in these two areas, unless you fully understand their uses. Misconfiguration will result in problems with your connection. The default settings are acceptable, for further information contact technical support at: (310) 677-8301.

Step-By-Step Procedures

Without Dial Up Networking Configured

Click on the following in order:

  1. Start
  2. Settings
  3. Control Panel
  4. Add/Remove Programs
  5. "Windows Setup"
  6. "Communications"
  7. Details
    Verify that a check is in the box to the left of Dial Up Networking. If checked then click cancel & cancel again. If not  checked, click the box and a check mark will appear. Then click "OK"
  8. Direct Dial Up Networking
    This command performs an analysis of needed configurations and requests the appropriate Win95/98 CDROM or diskettes. Simply place the requested diskette in the disk drive.
  9. When finished click "OK" and continue with instructions.

With Dial Up Networking Configured

Click on the following in order:

  1. Start
  2. Programs
  3. Accessories
  4. Dial-up networking
  5. Make New Connection
  6. Enter an access number ( click here to see the phone numbers. Or call us at (310) 677-8301 and ask for your local phone number.)
  7. Next
  8. Enter name "Azteca Net."
  9. "OK"
  10. Open "My Computer"
  11. Open "Dial-Up Networking"
  12. Highlight the "Azteca Net" connection profile you have just created.
  13. Right Click once on that graphic and then select "Properties" on the menu that pops up.
  14. Select Server Type "PPP Windows 95 Windows NT 3.5 Internet"
  15. Under Advanced Options, ensure that only "Enable Software Compression" is checked.
  16. Under "Allowed Network Protocols", only "TCP/IP" should  be checked.
  17. Click on "TCP/IP Settings"
  18. Under "TCP/IP Settings", "Server assigned IP Address" should be selected.
  19. "Server assigned name server" should be selected.
  20. Use "IP header compression" should be checked.
  21. "Use default gateway on remote network" should be checked.
  22. Click OK
  23. Click OK
  24. Under "Connect Using", click on the Configure button.
  25. Click the connection tab along the top. Ensure that under "connection preferences", there is 8 selected, under Data bits, parity is set to none and stop bits is 1.
  26. Now click Advanced...(the button on the bottom right, right above cancel).
  27. Make sure, "Use flow control" is checked and under that "Hardware (RTS/CTS)" is selected
  28. Click OK
  29. Click OK
  30. Click OK
  31. Close "My Computer"
  32. If you are prompted to restart your computer so that the settings take effect, do so.
  33. After set up is complete, the Dial Up Networking window opens showing "Azteca Net" and all dial up networking connections.
  34. Left-Click from mouse on "Azteca Net" icon.
  35. From File Menu select "Create a shortcut."
  36. At the error message "You can't create it from the current folder. Would you like it to be placed on the desktop instead?" Answer (click) "Yes."
  37. Now you may open your connection from the desktop icon.
  38. Note: Once you have (opened) a connection, launch your browser (Netscape or MS Explorer).


Windows NT

  1. Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel
  2. Double-click on Network
  3. Choose the Protocols tab
  4. If TCP/IP Protocol is not installed, click on Add … and choose TCP/IP Protocol
  5. Click on OK
  6. If asked to restart the computer, do it
  7. Double-click on My Computer
  8. Double-click on Dial-Up Networking
  9. If the Dial-Up Networking is not installed, click on Install
  10. When asked to create a new bookmark, check I know everything about bookmarks … and click Next
  11. Click on New…
  12. On the Entry name: box type Azteca Net
  13. On the Phone Number: box type 1-310-484-0007 (or other local number)
  14. Click on the Server tab
  15. Make sute that only TCP/IP, Enable software compression and Enable PPP LCP extensions are checked
  16. Click on OK
  17. Click on Dial
  18. Type your username and your password and clear the Domain box


  1. Using Installer, Install Open Transport 1.1 *
  2. Using Installer, Install OT/PPP 1.0 *
  3. Open the Control Panel in the Apple Menu Items (Keep open for Steps 4 - 6)
  4. Open Control Panel "Modem"
  5. Identify the modem & port
  6. Close
  7. Open Control Panel "PPP"
  8. Add user name, password and access number 484-0007 (If you're located outside the 310 area, click here to see the phone numbers. Or call us at (310) 677-8301 and ask for your local phone number.)
  9. Close
  10. Open Control Panel "TCP/IP"
  11. Describe protocol
  12. In "Connect" pop up menu select "PPP"
  13. In "Config" pop up menu select "Using PPP Server"
  14. In Name Server Address:
    Enter above, and below
  15. Search Domain:
  16. Close the Control Panel in the Apple Menu Items
  17. Open/Launch "PPP" Click on Connect. Your modem will dial out and make the connection
  18. Open/Launch your browser (Netscape, MS Explorer or Mosaic)

*Internet Dial Up Utilities are available on the Macintosh CD and/or Internet Connection Kit that came with your computer.

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AztecaNet, Inc.
6820 La Tijera Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone: (310) 677-8301 - Fax: (310) 641-5477